This meme, saying: Tired of sore thumbs from texting? Do Jiu-Jitsu, and experience pain every where. It just speaks a whole lotta truth! It doesn’t…
4×4 Philippines ( Is Back!
We’re back! 4×4 Philippines has been born again! Hah! We’re putting the site back up! We ask for patience as we continue to work on…
The FJ Land Cruiser Company Sport!
How can you go wrong with a classic icon with the modern touch? I’m drooling over the FJ Land Cruiser Company Sport! Watch the video…
You Are Holy
🎶💕💯 We’re singing You are holy Great and mighty The moon and the stars Declare who You are 👍👊CCF Elevate LA (@ccfelevatela) worship team, Sept.…
The Giant In Front Of You
The giant in front of you is NEVER BIGGER than the God inside you! #God #Christianity #Jesus #JesusChrist #JesusFreak #Blessed
The Harvest Is Plentiful, But The Laborers Are Few
Pastor Danny Perez at CCF Los Angeles. And He was saying to them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore beseech the…
Love You So Much
🎶🎶🎶 Hear these praises from a grateful heart Each time I think of You the praises start Love You so much, Jesus, love You so…